There are a lot of images buried in this webserver. I never thought of myself as a photographer, and I make no claim, but here we are. Starting with my Cannon AE-1 on film, until today, with my Cannon T3I rebel and my new G9X, I've managed to rack up thousands of images, and many of them are worth seeing, just for artistic purposes. I think I will start posting a few of them here, just to exhibit them and to give regular viewers something to enjoy from month to month.
Hand Selected Gallery of Images Number 5 - APril 2021
Better than a tombstone, this door near the Manhattan Main Branch of the Library, gives a detailed story of a family
and its home in midtown.
The Metropolitian Museum in Manhattan has many world fameous works, but this lesser known work in the American Collection
by Evert Shinn resonates in any New Yorker who has battled winter weather in the city. This is an illustration of Herald Square and this is a close up on only part of the full illustration.
This is the Beis Medresh within the tunnels of the Old City of Jerusalem, just north of the Western Wall and which opens
onto the Western Wall Plaza. That is the wall itself, now an intense place of prayer, running Minyonim nearly 24/7.
A lonely road in the Prairie Lands about Drum Heller, Alberta
Photo History of early NY Baseball at Westport, NY's railstation that acts as an entry point for Lake Placid. It sits right off of Lake Champlain.
Ruth, Esther and Stevie - I thought I had an image from this event of all three sisters together, but I don't see it.
Captain Anthony Reye showing his tools of choice for winter blackfishing out of The Oceanside Piers, Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn
An unusual view of the building of Midtown East, made possible for a short period of time due to a clearing made for future construction.
This wonderful work of art from the 17th Century is at the Frans Hals Museum in Harlem. It is almost entirely made of straw.