There are a lot of images buried in this webserver. I never thought of myself as a photographer, and I make no claim, but here we are. Starting with my Cannon AE-1 on film, until today, with my Cannon T3I rebel and my new G9X, I've managed to rack up thousands of images, and many of them are worth seeing, just for artistic purposes. I think I will start posting a few of them here, just to exhibit them and to give regular viewers something to enjoy from month to month.
Hand Selected Gallery of Images Number 9 - November 2022
Shoshana's Birthday was celebrated at Granma Esthers house. She had not seen the children for
sometime as they were in Wisconcin. It was a delightful day in the ebb of her life.
Shoshana Rivka's Art work. I encouraged her, as an ungergraduate at Kingsboro to take a diverse number of college
classes and subject until she could discover what it was that she wanted from her education. She was much better
of a painter than she ever thought she would become.
Shoshana modeling her new California jacket that we purchased in Sausalito. Her natural brown hair is so beautiful and
she always had natural grace and class.
Not a great shot but one of the only pics of our 7th Child, Tookster our African Grey Parot. This shot is
from 2011
The 2011 Storm that NYC buckled under. Buses, Cabs, Mass Transit all completely stalled. It was a complete shutdown.
After the same storm in 2011. Look at that thick painted sky. It is a Dutch masters dream. This is from the D Train
in Boro Park - 2011
They tore a building down giving me a rare oppurtunity to take this view of the Lipstick building and
3rd Avenue from an otherwise impossible vantage point.
I just stumbled on this building while wandering from BedSty to Williamsburg. It is an abondoned synaguage.
called Ahawath Sholom BethAaron on 98 Scholes St.
A blurry image but worthwhile showing Shoshana and Aviva getting ready for Purim!